Comparing to conventional farming, organic farming has surprisingly many benefits.
Organic farming is acknowledged especially among urban farmers rather than conventional large farm owners.
Due to its high value-added nature, organic farming has been spreading in farmers who are seeking new farming methods with higher values in limited lands.
In this post, we are going to look into organic farming from its types and methods to unique products we recommend.
After reading this post, you will be ready for starting your own organic farm.
What is organic farming?
Organic cultivation (organic agriculture) is an eco-friendly cultivation method that does not use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or genetic engineering. Many people think of organic vegetables simply as "safe and delicious vegetables", but not only that, they are produced in an environmentally friendly way that makes use of the power of nature.

It is defined as "minimizing the environmental impact of agricultural production on the basis of not using chemically synthesized fertilizers and pesticides and not using genetic recombination technology."
The definition of "organic crops" states that "avoid the use of chemically synthesized fertilizers and pesticides", so it is natural to recognize that "organic" means "pesticide-free". Using natural raw materials is allowed in organic farm. On the other hand, chemically synthesized chemicals are not allowed.
Organic fertilizers
There are variety of organic fertilizers available on the market. For example, oil lees, chicken dung, fish powder, bone powder, rice bran and plant ash.
The definition of certified organic fertilizers are varied depending on the certification authorities.
The role of organic fertilizer is mainly to replenish the soil and improve the soil. Crops grow by absorbing inorganic nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium from the soil through the roots. However, nutrients in the soil are limited, so leaving them alone will result in the loss of nutrients. So we use fertilizer to supplement the soil with nutrients. Organic fertilizers are not immediately effective because they are decomposed by microorganisms in the soil, turning them into nutrients that can be absorbed by plants. On the other hand, chemical fertilizers are immediately absorbed by plants when they dissolve in water, so they are highly effective.
Organic fertilizers can feed on microorganisms in the soil, so it is expected that the type of microorganisms will increase and the soil will become easier for crops to grow. Some of the organic matter that is not degraded by microorganisms remains in the soil, contributing to the promotion of aggregate formation. As a result, the physical properties (such as breath ability and water retention) of the soil are enhanced. Chemical fertilizers do not have this effect.
Organic vegetables and certifications
Organic products and any items affecting organic vegetables must be certified by international or domestic organizations.
For examples, NBS in the United States, JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standards) or JORA (Japan Organics Recycling Association) in Japan are one of the organizations well known.
There are many items in the market described as designed for use in "organic" farm, however, not all of them are certified by appropriate organizations in the strict meaning.
Respecting the importance of the certifications, we highly recommend to use certified products only in true organic farming.
Organic farming tools
We have a variety of tools used for organic farming available. Some of our recommendations for organic farming are listed below.
Hemp Chainpot
Hemp Chainpot is a new type of paperpot made with hemp fibers.
As more and more consumers around the world are demanding safe, fresh produce in which they can feel confident, the number of Paperpot System users expressing an interest in environmentally-friendly product is also growing, particularly in the United States and Europe. As a result, manufacturer moved to develop a more eco-friendly chainpot using naturally sourced hemp fibers.
Weeding Tool
Weeding is always a headache for organic farmers without using any kind of herbicide. This small weeding tool is designed for weeding in small spaces such as the ground between crops. Pebbles and mud do not splash, so it is safety, secure and easy. The soil is also plowed during weeding. You do not need to buckle and weed and you can grow organically easily.